You just get more for your area with beds. That is all...
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Sowing 22nd January 2012 - a fruit day
The latest sowing from the Circle
Anaheim Chillis - all sown
Small Chilli - all sown
Sorrel Belleville - some sown [yes, I know it's a fruit day but I think HSL want some of these so I am sowing for the seed not the leaf hence - sowing on a fruit day]
Albert's Locoto Rocoto Pepper - all sown
Tazmanian Chocolate Dwarf Tomato - all sown.
Napia Pointy Red Pepper - all sown
Golden Sweet Mange Tout - most sown
And here is how close I sow peas; there are 5 in each small pot; you can see how close they are to each other. Half of these are covered with soil and half aren't. I'll transplant these outside in a block once they are up and running and cover with netting as I really really don't want pea moth in them.
Oh, and the He-Man root stock seedlings are just showing, and the Stamme onions are up and in the greenhouse. And the Babington Leeks, and Egyptian Walking Onions mostly have green shoots. Photos to follow probably on a root day. Hey, plants like to have their photos taken on the right day too, don't they?
How to grow tomatoes
So, tomatoes. Usually started from seed around the end of Feb/March - potted on and either put into the ground or pots after the last frosts. However, they can be started quite early, put outside in a frost free greenhouse [if you haven't got greenhouse heating, use polystyrene fish boxes for insulation with fleece over the top]. They will grow very very slowly and then romp away once the warmth kicks in. I find that the advantage of this is a slightly earlier crop but a longer finish at the end of the season as they have been subjected to cooler temps at the start so cope with cooler temps at the end.
So, I started some seeds off a few weeks back, and tipped the little pots out today.
As you can see, even though the seedlings look a little leggy - they have decent sized roots - these ones today I guess have roots touching the bottom of the pot and are at an ideal stage for repotting.
Repotted by putting a small amount of compost in the bottom of the very small pot....and using the seed leaf only - seedling moved into the pot above the compost. Because I don't know how much compost each will take, and the seedlings are quite leggy - I have not filled the pot with compost and made a hole - but sometimes I do this and drop the seedlings in.
If the seedling is too long to pot it up to its seed leaves - I will bend the seedling stem around the inside of the pot as I fill it with soil - the ideal is to get the seed leaves at the top of the pot and the compost up to 1/4 of an inch/5mm of the seed leaves. Roots will grow from the stem so get as much anchorage into those little pots as you can.
And water in by placing into a tray of water and letting the soil soak the water up.
About 1 in every 100 seedlings will grow 3 cotyledon leaves. It's not that rare, but always a joy to see.
So, all these will be grown inside my kitchen until I select a few to carry on inside, and the others will go into the greenhouse as soon as the next 2 [the real] leaves have grown.
To increase stem strength - as soon as seedlings appear, blow on them gently to mimic wind movement. The thicker stem also seems to give better cold resistance when they go into the greenhouse.
Keep on the dry side of wet, these probably won't need water now for a week or so; but to determine if they do - don't just water indiscriminately....pick up the pots and if they are very light, soak in water for 30 mins then take them out. If they aren't then don't.
These are part of my Bush Tomato experiment, as mentioned on the Grapevine.
Sunday, 8 January 2012
The Bean Project 2012 and beyond
So, out of my 133 varieties of beans:
The Maria Zellers - of which I had 2 left, have landed safely in the US of A to be grown on by a fellow Bean Nerd. No offence. If he gets a decent crop in a couple of years, I may get some back but I had a total fail with these and was worried about losing them all.
The Sweet Lupinos, which are edible beans from the Lupin genus in the Fabaceae family; are incredibly hard to germinate and grow in this climate so with my 3 remaining seeds, I am going to try and crack them this year.
I also want to crack the Hopi Yellow, which are from a packet of seeds found at the bottom of a box in the HSL 'too old to share with members' pile. I really really REALLY want to grow these as they look fantastic and I am totally in love with these.
I want to bulk up the ones given to me by my US of A fellow bean nerd; he has been growing beans for a long time it would seem and has stable crosses so the Vermont Appaloosa, Scarlet Beauty, Italian Rose, Blue Jay and Littlefield's Special - all bush beans - will be given pride of place in the plot.
I will be growing Montezuma's Red and Rognon De Loise at home for the Heritage Seed Library in our new 'Heritage Seed Only' garden. And Malawi Red which I also got from a box of 'too old' at HSL
I have a mystery bean which I cannot name where this came from, once it's grown and I know what it actually is, I'll share but until then - I cannot say.
Also, I want to get some beans from the Gigandes - I grew one plant this year and got 4 whole beans from it; so now that I know how it likes things, I will sow those and see if I can bulk them up to maybe 16 or even, 20 if I'm lucky.
I also have some lovely beans from the US of A through the A4A Seed Circle so those will also be grown and bulked up.
I have quite a few non-heritage varieties and I have decided to [shock horror] grow these for the green bean stage and eat them.
Quite a few I think I am down to my last small bag of seeds but this is because I have grown them, bulked them up and now want to get rid and leave others to do so. So I may get rid and drop them completely from the list.
The rest - I'll pick and choose what I want to grow on the day - so stuff like Royal Red, Canadian Wonder, Black Valentine, Black Coco, etc etc - I'll bung 8 in a large pot and just grow them to keep myself in soup for next winter - or the next as I still haven't eaten any of this year's dried beans yet. I am giving a fair few away for people though - so spreading the Dried Bean Love, so to speak.
The Maria Zellers - of which I had 2 left, have landed safely in the US of A to be grown on by a fellow Bean Nerd. No offence. If he gets a decent crop in a couple of years, I may get some back but I had a total fail with these and was worried about losing them all.
The Sweet Lupinos, which are edible beans from the Lupin genus in the Fabaceae family; are incredibly hard to germinate and grow in this climate so with my 3 remaining seeds, I am going to try and crack them this year.
I also want to crack the Hopi Yellow, which are from a packet of seeds found at the bottom of a box in the HSL 'too old to share with members' pile. I really really REALLY want to grow these as they look fantastic and I am totally in love with these.
I want to bulk up the ones given to me by my US of A fellow bean nerd; he has been growing beans for a long time it would seem and has stable crosses so the Vermont Appaloosa, Scarlet Beauty, Italian Rose, Blue Jay and Littlefield's Special - all bush beans - will be given pride of place in the plot.
I will be growing Montezuma's Red and Rognon De Loise at home for the Heritage Seed Library in our new 'Heritage Seed Only' garden. And Malawi Red which I also got from a box of 'too old' at HSL
I have a mystery bean which I cannot name where this came from, once it's grown and I know what it actually is, I'll share but until then - I cannot say.
Also, I want to get some beans from the Gigandes - I grew one plant this year and got 4 whole beans from it; so now that I know how it likes things, I will sow those and see if I can bulk them up to maybe 16 or even, 20 if I'm lucky.
I also have some lovely beans from the US of A through the A4A Seed Circle so those will also be grown and bulked up.
I have quite a few non-heritage varieties and I have decided to [shock horror] grow these for the green bean stage and eat them.
Quite a few I think I am down to my last small bag of seeds but this is because I have grown them, bulked them up and now want to get rid and leave others to do so. So I may get rid and drop them completely from the list.
The rest - I'll pick and choose what I want to grow on the day - so stuff like Royal Red, Canadian Wonder, Black Valentine, Black Coco, etc etc - I'll bung 8 in a large pot and just grow them to keep myself in soup for next winter - or the next as I still haven't eaten any of this year's dried beans yet. I am giving a fair few away for people though - so spreading the Dried Bean Love, so to speak.
The Bean Project 2012 and beyond
As of today, the list of 133 beans that I grow is:
A Grand Nero | |||||||||||
Amethyst | |||||||||||
Anasazi | |||||||||||
Annellino Giallo | |||||||||||
Arranasco | |||||||||||
B&B | |||||||||||
Baby Red Soup | |||||||||||
Berggold | |||||||||||
Black Box Pinto | |||||||||||
Black Canterbury | |||||||||||
Black Coco | |||||||||||
Black Croatian | |||||||||||
Black Eyed Pea | |||||||||||
Black Turtle | |||||||||||
Black Valentine | |||||||||||
Blauhilde | |||||||||||
Blue Coco | |||||||||||
Blue Jay | |||||||||||
Blue Lake | |||||||||||
Bobis d'Albenga | |||||||||||
Bonne Bouche | |||||||||||
Borlotti | |||||||||||
Borlotti | |||||||||||
Bridgewater | |||||||||||
Brightstone | |||||||||||
Canadian Wonder | |||||||||||
Cannelini | |||||||||||
Cardigan [Jersey Rogue] | |||||||||||
Caseknife | |||||||||||
Cherokee Trail of Tears | |||||||||||
Chinese Long | |||||||||||
Coco Bianco | |||||||||||
Coco Di Paimpol | |||||||||||
Concador | |||||||||||
Corona Di Spagna | |||||||||||
Cose Violette | |||||||||||
Cranberry Lilac | |||||||||||
Dalmation | |||||||||||
Dapple Grey | |||||||||||
Early Warwick | |||||||||||
Edamame | |||||||||||
Emperor of Russia | |||||||||||
Ernie's Big Eye | |||||||||||
Fagiolo di Spagna | |||||||||||
Flavert | |||||||||||
Gauk | |||||||||||
George's | |||||||||||
Gigandes | |||||||||||
Greasy Grits | |||||||||||
Henderson Lima | |||||||||||
Hidatsa | |||||||||||
Hopi Yellow | |||||||||||
Horticultural Bird's Egg | |||||||||||
Hutterite Soup | |||||||||||
Ice Crystal Wax | |||||||||||
Inca Pea Bean | |||||||||||
Italian Rose | |||||||||||
Jacob's Cattle | |||||||||||
Jersey | |||||||||||
Kentucy Wonder | |||||||||||
Kew Blue | |||||||||||
Kinghorn Wax | |||||||||||
Kwintus | |||||||||||
Lazy Housewife Brown | |||||||||||
Lazy Housewife White | |||||||||||
Littlefield's Special | |||||||||||
Madeira Maroon | |||||||||||
Magpie | |||||||||||
Major Cook's Bean | |||||||||||
Malawi Red | |||||||||||
Marfax | |||||||||||
Maria Zeller [last 2 seeds sent to a grower in USA - may return one day] | |||||||||||
Marvel Di Piemonts | |||||||||||
Mayflower | |||||||||||
Minidor Yellow | |||||||||||
Monastic Coco | |||||||||||
Montezuma's Red | |||||||||||
Mountaineer's Haf White Runner | |||||||||||
Mr Fearn's Purple Flowered | |||||||||||
Mystery! | |||||||||||
Neckar Queen | |||||||||||
Necktar Konigin | |||||||||||
Norweigan Dry | |||||||||||
Nun's Belly Button | |||||||||||
O'Driscoll | |||||||||||
Orca | |||||||||||
Oregon Giant | |||||||||||
Parker | |||||||||||
Pea Bean | |||||||||||
Pebble | |||||||||||
Polebean | |||||||||||
Polish | |||||||||||
Provider | |||||||||||
Purple King | |||||||||||
Rattlesnake | |||||||||||
Red Calypso | |||||||||||
Red Soup | |||||||||||
Redlands Greenleaf | |||||||||||
Rice | |||||||||||
Rio Zappe | |||||||||||
Rognon De L'oise | |||||||||||
Roqueen Court | |||||||||||
Rose D'Eyragues | |||||||||||
Royal Red | |||||||||||
Ruth Bible | |||||||||||
Ruud's mystery | |||||||||||
Scarlet Beauty | |||||||||||
Shirostruczkounia | |||||||||||
Socks | |||||||||||
Speckle Chucky | |||||||||||
Star 200 | |||||||||||
Succotash | |||||||||||
Swedish One Dot | |||||||||||
Sweet Australian Purple | |||||||||||
Sweet Lupino | |||||||||||
Tar Heel | |||||||||||
Tarbais | |||||||||||
Tendergreen | |||||||||||
The Prince | |||||||||||
Tiger/Tiger eye | |||||||||||
Top Crop | |||||||||||
Triomph De Farcy | |||||||||||
Tung | |||||||||||
Veitchs | |||||||||||
Vermont Appaloosa | |||||||||||
Wild Pigeon | |||||||||||
Wild Pigeon Rogue | |||||||||||
Xenia Field | |||||||||||
Yardlong | |||||||||||
Yellow | |||||||||||
Yin Yang | |||||||||||
Zuni |
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Sowing 7th Jan 2012 - a root day
I only have packets to show; as pics of little plant pots with soil in them are, well, pretty boring until the seedlings are actually showing, aren't they.
So, today I have sown the Stamme Onion seeds, and [no - don't start writing letters of complaint in] the Tomato Rootstock He-Man seeds. These are for grafting tomatoes onto; later in the season and - as I summated that it's the ROOTs that need to be strong here, I have sown them on a ROOT day and not a Fruit day. It's confuddling my mind though as I've been to the seed box 3 times now, to pick out other tomatoes to sow - even though I know in my head, it's a ROOT DAY. I just can't help it - I sow tomatoes and want to sow more.
Anyway - here's some pics of the packets, just to show I've sown them!
So, today I have sown the Stamme Onion seeds, and [no - don't start writing letters of complaint in] the Tomato Rootstock He-Man seeds. These are for grafting tomatoes onto; later in the season and - as I summated that it's the ROOTs that need to be strong here, I have sown them on a ROOT day and not a Fruit day. It's confuddling my mind though as I've been to the seed box 3 times now, to pick out other tomatoes to sow - even though I know in my head, it's a ROOT DAY. I just can't help it - I sow tomatoes and want to sow more.
Anyway - here's some pics of the packets, just to show I've sown them!
A now empty Stamme Onion seed packet
A half empty He-Man Tomato Rootstock packet; will sow the others in a few weeks.
2012 Seed Circle,
Root day,
Tomato root-stock
As I drove on, it seemed to start extending on the right hand side, and lo and behold; it merged itself into what can only be described as a 'Sun-Bow'. There was no rain - anywhere - it was just 'formed' and reflected off the clouds...
I have never seen a 'sun-bow' before - and potentially never will again. Quite fascinating. As soon as it was there, it was gone.
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